Data Point One — Near death experiences where someone died and somehow came back to life, provide testimonial proof that Heaven and hell are real, and the God of the Bible is real, and that Jesus truly is the Son of God. Over a thousand people across all cultures and religions, including Muslims and Hindis, have had near death experiences, and they report having met Jesus, and by and large they turn to becoming Christians if they weren't already. The rest of the world doesn't tend to hear about it because they don't follow or don't encounter such topics. Jesus spoke in John 8:32, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Absorb this, contemplate it, and adjust course!

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Fine Tuning Politics Part III

Reading Time: 10 minutes

Part 3

Secular Attitudes

With the truth of Data Point One and the understanding that Christianity is not belief and not opinion, but actuality and truth, it makes sense to convert to becoming a born again Christian. This follows God’s will that we as individuals learn the truth and choose to become a proper servant — the alternative being that we remain in mortal sin and go to hell when we die, Heaven forbid. So in light of this we have to wrap our heads around what that means, and what it means to be good and hold good values. With upwards of 70 democracies around the world in 2024 holding elections, this would appear to be a year of consequence for the United States, and for the world as well.

In voting people often choose from two options and we have to discern: to change or not to change. That is the question. We vote on principle and bring our own personal attitudes into the voting booth. In previous posts I covered the topics of abortion, controlling the US border, climate change, and democracy. Here I lump remaining topics into a third post: secular attitudes.

The USA was founded on Judeo-Christian values in the year 1620 under a covenant with God we now call the Mayflower Compact. As previously discoursed we are however, a secular nation, generally in the interests of freedoms for all peoples.

This has led to an exceptional experiment in human freedom. As “the great melting pot”, we’ve grown up in a society of societies – a culture of cultures comprised of heritages, foods, and languages from all over the world. It’s led to the industrial revolution, professional sports, rock and roll, Star Trek, satellite television, the computer age, and the Internet.

Historians are aware that historically corruption eventually seeps into empires and governments. Even thousands of years ago in the Old Testament the Israelites got compromised into idol worship and sexual immorality – even King Solomon, a king who had every heart’s desire.

Perverted Lifestyles

So in the USA and in the West – Western Civilization – people have had their bouts with corruption in the unscrupulous seeking of wealth and pleasure. This has led to various socially liberal experimentations. Sexual promiscuity became just part of the Human story. The selfish and corrupt infidelity of high school was an aspect of maturation. The egoism lead to legalization of abortion and a rise in divorce rates. The rise of pornography derailed countless people’s lives. People began to advocate for taboo behavior or “alternative lifestyles” (code for bi-sexual or homosexual) to be respected as just another option in keeping with American freedom. Eventually laws were passed to codify this attitude.

Some people, despite not living such a lifestyle, have the principle that supporting such people and a highly sexually liberal society is correct, American, and in keeping with American freedom. While it may be true from a secular perspective, it’s not what God intended for His children. Some people hold to the opposite approach that perverts should not be encouraged — that one’s children or one’s relatives should not grow up to be perverts, or to be so corruptly selfish as to not respect a monogamous lifestyle. God’s intentions for Humanity are clear in scripture.

In Leviticus 18:22 God described any homosexuality as a detestable sin. Other translations describe it as disgusting, or abhorrent, or an abomination, which means shamefully vile.

Once upon a time there were two towns in the Middle East by the names of Sodom and Gomorrah. It’s where we get the word sodomy. They were so sexually wicked and corrupt that, as described in Genesis 19:24, God sent angels to completely destroy the towns with fire from the sky.

This seems very distant, being some 4,000 years ago, and some would hold a Bible story as mere mythology, however it is history. It was reality whatever year it occurred.

Even if a “Christian” church flies a pride flag or welcomes in the LGBT pervert crowd, God didn’t one day decide that perverts are not unclean, and that a gay “Christian” couple doesn’t have to repent of sexual corruption and a sinful lifestyle. (This isn’t equivocal to an interracial marriage which was taboo some decades ago, and now rather accepted.) As it is written, such a lifestyle is abominable. This is part of the challenge of good versus evil, in how evil would suggest that sin is good or necessary.

If supporting perverts and perverts rights was once a political position that was important to you, as a Christian you have to change that affiliation. God wants those people to see the error of their ways and change.


A man dressing in drag – a cross-dresser – is not the same as a woman. A male that has gender reassignment surgery and takes on the appearance of a woman and loses “the manhood” still can’t bear children and nurse them because he wasn’t born with the anatomy to do so. Likewise a female taking testosterone treatments still won’t develop the muscular attributes that a natural born male would. That’s reality. The mental illness is called gender dysphoria and, while it’s a free country, people should be discouraged from believing that such a lie could ever be true. If it’s a co-worker and it’s a done deal, then avoid being impolite, recognizing that they need all the mental integrity they can keep. But clearly, males should not compete in female league sports, and proper, credentialed conservatives are clear on this political position.


Legal or not, we should eliminate or reduce dependencies. Addiction is something anybody can face. You want to avoid things that are not meeting a natural need, like food does. Even with food you have to avoid over indulgence and be responsible with your body. Don’t vote to legalize marijuana because even if it’s on the ballot as “medicinal”, it’s a scam by the same people orchestrating the ballot measure to one day make it “recreational”. Big money or not, capitalism or not, it’s immoral. It’s bad for society with increased car accidents and birth defects. It has even been shown to cause schizophrenia in some with the first experience. It can cause permanent brain alteration in people under 26. (Age 26 is when people have measured that the adult brain is fully matured.) Not so long ago it was the hip political position to promote decriminalization with a more libertarian attitude of permitting a person to indulge responsibly. But that was more of a lobbyist perspective of disingenuously downplaying and hiding the actual risks. More betrayal.

Fiscal Responsibility

In the past 3½ years the Democrat party has been in control of the government via the presidency and the Senate. True, we were emerging out of a global pandemic with a heretofore unexpected supply chain crisis. The way things played out, our government printed too much money and drove up inflation causing an economic crunch for all but the wealthy. (Ironically, they turn around and play the class warfare rhetoric card.) Interest rates went up to compensate, causing an increase in the borrowing costs of money, making credit for a car or a home less affordable. True, both the Trump-Pence administration and the Biden-Harris administration spent money and added to the national debt. True the Biden-Harris administration pulled back on domestic oil production until they realized they had no choice but to surreptitiously seek to increase it again. It would seem that the country was, excepting the pandemic, handled better under President Trump and his advisors, rather than President Biden and his advisors. It’s said that Republican lawmakers and advisors are more fiscally responsible based on their experiences of being business owners and entrepreneurs, and that the Democrat lawmakers and advisors are more typically academics without the real-world experience involving risk. Regardless, going forward we will need wise stewards to meet the challenges of righting the economy, avoiding, if possible, a recession or a depression, managing the money supply and the obligations of the national debt. The Republicans are the party of wisdom and responsible governance, not that they always get things perfect.

These moral parameters should advise you as to the moral voting principles as an American Christian, following virtues of charity, prudence, and justice, in the impending 2024 elections on Tuesday, November 5th. In conclusion, conservatism represents a better attitude period. A better attitude makes all the difference.