Choosing Jesus

Reading Time: 4 minutes

We grown adult humans, in the absence of proper religion towards God are forsaken, or you might put it another way as condemned. Going about on our way with the absence of a notion of purity and resisting corruption and evil aspects of our life we’re faced with — such a person is probably going to hell when they die, and that’s not anything to take lightly. Eternity in an afterlife of separation from God, and anything good, is not something you want to blow off, you ought to take very seriously such a prospect.

How does one correct course? In light of Data Point One, showing that Christianity is true, and Jesus truly is the Son of God through whom all are judged, then the answer is to choose Jesus.

Jesus lived around 2,000 years ago and he was sent by God down from Heaven to be born and live as a man. He preached as God because He was (is) God. He was put to death in the cruel way of the Roman Empire of being nailed to a large wood cross and left to die. The cross thus, has become a symbol of the salvation of Jesus, who can save us from eternal death. Jewish law handed down from Moses was to slaughter an animal like a bull, or a goat, or a sheep, as a blood sacrifice to God to express a point of regret and personal change for God to forgive a person or a family for sins they committed. Reference the Ten Commandments on the Resources page for a better understanding of the major sins. So, Jesus was a New Covenant between God and Humanity that Jesus died for the sins of all of those who accept His sacrifice. No more was it necessary to sacrifice an animal to God. By becoming a follower of Jesus, His sacrifice of dying on the cross and on the third day resurrecting back to life – that becomes the blood sacrifice that makes you right with God, provided you pursue a sinless life going forward.

That’s your first choosing of Jesus. Your next choosing of Jesus is when you mess up and sin, or maybe you fail to govern your mouth and use a bad word, or you commit a sexual sin, or you allow yourself to lie instead of being honest – what you do is in prayer you confess your sin to God and ask for His forgiveness. You had piled an additional sin onto what Jesus bore on the cross when He died, and Jesus who could bear the weight only as God, forgives you in His love and mercy, and restores you to a state of grace. So in this first choosing of Jesus you proceed, attempting to honor the Ten Commandments and Jesus’ examples he taught, written in the New Testament of the Bible. When you fail, you again seek the mercy of God in the same sacrifice of Jesus some 2,000 years ago, and He restores you. Faith in Goodness is the right way forward.

Next: Doing Better

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