Data Point Two

Data Point 2

Data Point One logically proceeds to more conclusions, including Data Point Two:

Islam has significant error. God is bringing Muslims out of Islam and into Christianity.

There are numerous anecdotal reports that Muslims are having dreams of Jesus from God, and being brought out of Islam into Christianity. Some links are provided below. Coupled with the free spread of information on the Internet, especially YouTube, public debate about Islam reveals that it has some significant error.

Islam is supposedly structured insisting that God does not talk to people (any more), He only communicates in dreams. Proper Christians know that to be false: God does talk to people (still). God however is still working within this established limitation and having His Son Jesus Christ appear to devout Muslims in dreams – people who think that praying to “Allah” is the same as praying to the one true God – to bring them to the truth. Jesus is the truth incarnate. Christians know this to be true.

That is Data Point Two in a nutshell, and now here I will elaborate.

Islam has various attributes that we Christians know, due to the nature of God, are wrong. In particular, hatred of Jews is ill conceived because they are the people of God, through which He revealed the Old Testament and the New Testament, and through which He raised up His son, Jesus Christ.

Hatred is not God’s way. The commandment You Shall Not Murder also applies to hatefulness. Jesus calls sinners to repent that they could be saved. Muhammad preached to convert to Islam or die. Muslim fighters have been known to behead a person with a machete, or to throw them off a building. Violence isn’t Christian in any modern sense of the word since the Crusades of centuries ago – which were a response to Muslims conquering what we call the Holy Land. The Crusades were a defensive war pushing back Muslim aggressors.

God sent His son Jesus to reconcile the world with Himself. Jesus was not violent. It was conjectured in the day that Judas Iscariot wanted Jesus to overthrow the Roman occupation and restore the nation of Israel. However, that wasn’t Jesus’ plan. Jesus preached to love your enemies, and when slapped on the right cheek, to turn the other cheek.

From a high level Islam seems good. The Five pillars of Islam are Faith, Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving, and Pilgrimage. However even praying five times a day is not right when there is hate and disrespect that is harbored. The Jews were taught by Jesus Himself that, if you go to the temple to honor God, and you have a dispute or a grudge against a brother, to first leave and go be reconciled with them before returning. That’s also from Matthew chapter 5.

Another attribute is the minimization of women, and insistence that women hide their faces in public. Female Muslims that go to the sacred pilgrimage in Mecca are sexually assaulted – groped, indicating significant disrespect toward the dignity of women and a lack of holiness among those particular males. – Source

Muslims deny the divinity of Jesus Christ and they deny the Holy Trinity. True, the word trinity is not in the Bible, but rather it is a doctrine that was discerned by the early Christian church fathers. It comes from Tri- and Unity – three in one. It is not “three gods”; they are in unison. Principally, it draws from revelations from Jesus Himself relating to Baptism. In what is referred to as the Great Commission from Matthew chapter 28, He said, “All power in Heaven and on Earth has been given to Me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”

The Holy Spirit is the Paraclete, the Helper described by Jesus in John 14:16.

“And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever.” – Amplified Bible

On the day of Pentecost, fifty days from day two of the Feast of Passover, the 12 Apostles were given special gifts of the Holy Spirit. (From Acts chapter 2.) So God, through His Son Jesus, established the Trinity with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, which we Christians know to be the truth, especially from having experiences with divine communications from God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit. By experience, we have the truth and non-believers don’t.

So to say that Muhammad is the Paraclete, as some suggest, is a blasphemy. And that’s what the devil does. Those who commit murder and suicide bombings and beheadings “in the name of Allah” believing that “Allah” is the one true God, are committing blasphemy. The devil and his demons (fallen angels) know that Jesus is above all angels, and so in their war against God and Humanity, they attempt to diminish belief in Him, and in the power of His name.

When you come out of Islam and can view it from another angle, as some that have left it are able to see, Islam is particularly crafted in a way to deceive, and fight God by fighting the truth, and to fight God’s intentions. Throughout human history, many thousands of years before the invention of Islam, this is what the forces of evil do. They compete with God. They turn peace to hate and war. They turn lawfulness to corruption. Evil turns toward the negative in ways both subtle and violent. It’s the story of our planet, the only place in Creation where evil exists. I hope that helps to explain the why. Linked below are some videos that will help bring the truth to light.

It’s been observed that God will allow one nation to war against another as a judgment or a retribution. It’s also true that good men are to confront evil men. It’s also observable that God allows serial killers to roam around killing until they’re stopped, rather than just striking the serial killer dead like He could.

In conclusion, to a large degree, in this life, God tolerates error, but He allows us to believe what we want. The Human conscience comes from God; whatever belief system one grows up in. If one’s understanding of Goodness is true, then I believe a Muslim who rejects evil, even enculturated evils, and believes they intend to worship the one true God, may receive mercies from the judgment of Jesus, through Whom all are judged (reference John chapter 5). Jesus stated, speaking at the time to his fellow Jews in the presence of the leaders:

“The Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him.”

Fundamentally, everybody needs to follow the Ten Commandments handed down to Moses by God, examine your conscience and regularly ask God to forgive you of your sins when you fail, and be conscientious about being Good. According to the Great Commission, all nations need “the love of the truth” preached to them.

Sources: Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4, Video 5, Video 6, Video 7, Video 8

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