Proof of Faith

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Where are you in your faith? Faith has many layers. Maybe you’re at the level of “a baby Christian” having just been introduced to “the faith”.

With Data Point One you have a head start at faith, because you can see that God has allowed stories to propagate from the afterlife with a number of people. In Heaven, God is pervasive, shining from His throne as the sun does here in the bright of day. And on Earth, God is invisible. In His wisdom God has allowed some different loopholes in our conventional notions of reality. So with near death experiences we can point to testimonial evidence that assures people of the truth of the Bible.

Sidebar: When someone is clinically brain dead and they have an afterlife experience and come back to life, if they’re brain dead, where is the memory stored? It isn’t stored in the brain. The mind is an aspect of the human soul.

We know that God speaks to pious Christians in “a small, still voice” – more proof among many people.

At the outset faith is belief and trust. But also, it’s doing – acting in your assurances of morality, or in your trust in God in the moment. Unlike the tactile world we can see, taste, and feel, faith’s reality is usually invisible. The world, in this life we have, is stacked against faith. Atheists say, ‘faith is invisible, there is no proof’. However they can’t deny that exorcist priests are a thing, and they exist with purpose to, with great faith, help various troubled people. That is another proof of God, because good and evil are real, and they do engage in conflict in peoples’ lives, externally and interiorly. Atheists are loathe to admit that they don’t know what they’re talking about. They just don’t like religion, which is a standard they don’t measure up against.

So by evidence faith is worth believing in: Faith in God, faith in Jesus, and faith in Goodness. How is the faith acted out? Observance of the Ten Commandments. Then there’s the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be nice.

Go to a church on the Sabbath day, which for Christians is Sunday. For non-believing Jews, it’s Friday night through Saturday night – Shabbat. Some churches have a Saturday evening church service that “counts” for Sunday. Some Messianic Rabbis of great Christian faith and renown are Jonathan Cahn and Mark Biltz, readily findable on the Internet and on YouTube, even bookstores.

Another aspect of faith is avoiding sin and avoiding tricks and traps. As a new Christian you might imagine you’d never sin again, although attachments and addictions tend to have a rocky road away from them. How to proceed? You might try out the three closest churches on different Sundays, with some caveats.

The highest level of faith would be that of a minister or a prophet who is so full of the virtues of God that they actually radiate goodness. Some worthy people who advance in holiness receive special gifts of the Spirit. One such major gift of deep faith is faith healing, also referred to as the laying on of hands. How to advance? You grow with reading the Bible and thinking, letting it sink in. Layers of depth in scripture may be revealed with a subsequent reading down the road, or by reading a different translation. Also, you grow by going to church and visiting, and practicing your faith. Christians are called to spread the good news of Christianity. Here you have an excellent topic of conversation: you shall know the truth.

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