Data Point One — Near death experiences where someone died and somehow came back to life, provide testimonial proof that Heaven and hell are real, and the God of the Bible is real, and that Jesus truly is the Son of God. Over a thousand people across all cultures and religions, including Muslims and Hindus, have had near death experiences, and they report having met Jesus, and by and large they turn to becoming Christians if they weren't already. The rest of the world doesn't tend to hear about it because they don't follow or don't encounter such topics. Jesus spoke in John 8:32, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Absorb this, contemplate it, and adjust course!

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Various ministers may in a sermon claim that Christians will become the Bride of Christ in Heaven, or that “the Church” will marry Jesus. The language may take some aback. There are various strange sounding things in the Christian faith that sometimes need to be unpacked. What is meant by this, the Church being the bride of Christ, is rather a bit of word play. Through the New Testament Saint Paul explains that the Church is the Body of Christ,…

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