Data Point One — Near death experiences where someone died and somehow came back to life, provide testimonial proof that Heaven and hell are real, and the God of the Bible is real, and that Jesus truly is the Son of God. Thousands of people across all cultures and religions, including Muslims and Hindis, have had near death experiences, and they report having met Jesus, and by and large they turn to becoming Christians if they weren't already. The rest of the world doesn't tend to hear about it because they don't follow or don't encounter such topics. Jesus spoke in John 8:32, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Absorb this, contemplate it, and adjust course!

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Saying Grace

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Start praying before every meal, even if you just think it, even if you don’t close your eyes, to give God thanks for your food.

As a child I was taught, “God is great. God is Good. Let us thank Him for our food. Amen.”

As a child I also learned this prayer of thanks. Adapt it to whichever meal you are giving thanks for, and if you are alone or in a group.

I thank you Heavenly Father for my [breakfast/lunch/supper], and I ask that You bless it and nourish it to my body. And I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

Catholics have a standard prayer for giving thanks before a meal:

Bless us O Lord and these Thy gifts which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord, amen.

The Church has deduced that it is correct to give thanks to God before eating, and to ask for one’s meal to be blessed, particularly as an example observed to have been practiced by Jesus. So that’s where we get that tradition, which has been handed down for generation after generation.