Data Point One — Near death experiences where someone died and somehow came back to life, provide testimonial proof that Heaven and hell are real, and the God of the Bible is real, and that Jesus truly is the Son of God. Over a thousand people across all cultures and religions, including Muslims and Hindis, have had near death experiences, and they report having met Jesus, and by and large they turn to becoming Christians if they weren't already. The rest of the world doesn't tend to hear about it because they don't follow or don't encounter such topics. Jesus spoke in John 8:32, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Absorb this, contemplate it, and adjust course!

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Now That the Theory of Evolution is Debunked…

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Creationism is a word ascribing the belief that the God of the Bible created the Earth, the universe, and all nature. Looking at Data Point One we see that Christian faith is fact. It is the truth. It is reality attested to by over a thousand people who have had a near death experience and came back alive, being given a second chance. In Pastor John Burke’s book Imagine Heaven, he’s interviewed almost 1500 people of all faiths, all around the world, and all backgrounds, distilling the types of experiences into about 120 different accounts. This is a source of proof that everybody can point to, in order to confirm truths that the God of the Bible is real, Heaven and hell are real, and Jesus truly is the Son of God.

Now that the theory of evolution is debunked, and Creationism has true credence, there are numerous things to unlearn.

Stories as pertaining to Judaism and Christianity as written in the Holy Bible, are not mythology. Collectively, it is recorded history. One of the tenants of Christianity which proves true, is “the inerrancy of scripture”. The Holy Bible, the Word of God, is reliably true.

Jonah really did get swallowed by a whale. Noah really did build an Ark, a giant ship to hold animals for them to be saved from a flood intended by God to purge the Earth of evils and start anew. Logically, the Ark contained various reptiles we later decided to name dinosaurs. They may have gone extinct, the way of the dodo bird: they got killed off.

The Ark Encounter theme park in Williamstown, Kentucky

Creation occurred as God told Moses upon Mount Sinai, in six days, and on the seventh day, He rested. Later in the Bible it is stated that for God, a day is as 1000 years, and 1000 years is as a day, referencing God’s dominion of time. Even with that as purporting to hold six days as 6000 years, assuming millions of years of history doesn’t hold up. The theory of “the comet that destroyed the dinosaurs” millions of years ago, as children have been inculcated to believe, doesn’t hold up. Carbon dating going back past the possibility of recorded history, doesn’t hold up. Tree-ring science can be contorted to mean whatever one wants it to mean.

Any time where you see an assertion that something took place over millions of years is hypothetical conjecture.

It also means that there were no cavemen; no cro-magnons; no human evolution from a primate. That would go against the scripture that states that God made man and woman in His own image. Assuming scripture is untrustworthy is where scientists get themselves into trouble. When you start with an atheist perspective, you’re already biased against the truth. Creation was a miracle from God, Whose acts are all de facto miracles. Creation was described as “very good” which is understood to have meant that it was without defect in the state before the fall of Adam and Eve. After the introduction of sin, imperfection became possible down through history, notably in the cases of disease and genetic deformities.

The alarmism of climate science stokes fear for the future of the planet due to things like deforestation and visibly obvious smog. Deforestation and smog are real. These things could have legitimate impact. Glacier melting in the Arctic and Antarctica are real and measurable by satellite photos historically. But get this: Earth tilts back and forth in orientation toward the sun, causing the four seasons. In the Northern Hemisphere the USA has Summer when Argentina in the Southern Hemisphere has Winter. Conversely and consequently when Alaska freezes, Antarctica thaws. And remember, on the poles, a day is six months long.

The media, with its false depictions of a lonely, stranded polar bear, beats the drum of fear for the environmental future of the planet. However, these deadlines proposed by climate scientists, or those reading such reports, always pass. The climate science which would propose solutions to reverse the damage done, doesn’t add up. The war on fossil fuels ends up increasing the financial burden on everyone with green energy solutions that don’t provide enough power. You wind up with environmental totalitarianism as a wing of politics with this unfillable urgency in the guise of responsibility. The urgency can never be satisfied, which continually leads to a claim of authority. Again, this appeals to fear – in order to control human populations.

Climate change is a scam designed as a can’t lose power-grab to control people’s lives with an illusion of sincerity. The Tucker Carlson interview with Dr. Willie Soon, an astrophysicist formerly tenured at Harvard, back in January of 2024 closes the door on climate change as “an existential threat”. It’s all an institutionally corrupted cycle of scientists who just want to keep getting paid, and who grasp that dissenting opinions will prevent them from having a career. How do you keep the truth from being revealed? You institutionalize fear. Deviation results in becoming an outcast and losing your community and your livelihood. The culture of fear as a system of control keeps liberals from learning about conservative alternative views. It also inhibits Muslims from leaving Islam.

That’s why the climate change articles keep coming out, and the research keeps on coming. My post Why Climate Change Doesn’t Matter provides analysis in light of the truth of Data Point One. The planet isn’t what we save. We save each other. Seriously, God is in control.

In the end, God is in control of the weather. I’ve always thought the aim of being responsible was correct. The heart of being environmentally responsible is correct. The absolutism that leads leaders to assert control over citizens’ lives, and to devastate industries, and cause the population as a whole to be economically squeezed, is veering into irresponsibility. We shouldn’t welcome constrictions to freedom for the purported sake of “saving the planet”. We should look at climate absolutist political leaders with suspicion of their motives. Another factor is that politicians are often educated by lobbyists who draft legislation for their own agendas.

Holding the environment as your unbudgeable issue where your politics hinge on, should also be reconsidered in light of this.