Data Point One shows us that Christianity is the truth, and testimonial evidence backs up God’s truth. Regardless of any debate as to whether December 25th is or isn’t the birthday of Jesus Christ, that is the day we celebrate it. With the Hebrew calendar being lunar based on 360 days (not counting the exceptional leap month) compared to our solar calendar of 365 days, it’s not trivial to line things up. Christmas on December 25th is what we have…
God’s plan for sending His Son Jesus, to be born of the Virgin Mary would seem to date back to the beginning of time. Many a theologian would draw parallels between Eve, the first woman, and Saint Mary who, it is held, chose to obey God at every point. She is regarded as the New Eve, an exemplar of virtue. From Genesis 3:15 – God, speaking to Eve and the serpent who encouraged her to eat of the fruit of…