Data Point One — Near death experiences where someone died and somehow came back to life, provide testimonial proof that Heaven and hell are real, and the God of the Bible is real, and that Jesus truly is the Son of God. Over a thousand people across all cultures and religions, including Muslims and Hindus, have had near death experiences, and they report having met Jesus, and by and large they turn to becoming Christians if they weren't already. The rest of the world doesn't tend to hear about it because they don't follow or don't encounter such topics. Jesus spoke in John 8:32, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Absorb this, contemplate it, and adjust course!

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Christmas: The Reason for the Season

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Data Point One shows us that Christianity is the truth, and testimonial evidence backs up God’s truth. Regardless of any debate as to whether December 25th is or isn’t the birthday of Jesus Christ, that is the day we celebrate it. With the Hebrew calendar being lunar based on 360 days (not counting the exceptional leap month) compared to our solar calendar of 365 days, it’s not trivial to line things up. Christmas on December 25th is what we have (on the Gregorian calendar, not to mention the Julian calendar that countries such as Russia use).

So the reason comes back to John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whosoever believes in Him might not perish, but have everlasting life.

This is the new covenant that God was making with not just the Jews in Israel, but with all of Humanity —to reconcile His people with Him. Sending Jesus to be born of the virgin Mary and grow up into a 30 year-old man, become a minister of God, and die for the salvation of all Humanity, was God’s plan. It was also a manner of taking back the world from the devil who had obtained some authority from the fall of Adam and Eve. It was an enhancement on top of the Ten Commandments given to Moses, with the teachings and examples of Jesus. Jesus’ ministry came at a time of corruption in society, corruption in the priesthood and in the Israelite government, during the occupation of the Roman empire of Julius and then Augustus Caesar. Roman records are another source of proof, outside of the Bible.

The hanging of criminals on a cross to die was a death sentence of the Romans, and Jesus is said to have been about 33 years old when he was crucified under the demands of the corrupt priest leadership of the day. Jesus became the perfect sacrifice, the spotless lamb of the Passover festival sacrifice of the culture of the day. Then, in dying, He conquered death. He rose again on the third day and for weeks appeared to many, many people; some say as many as a crowd of 500. Then He ascended into the sky, in front of witnesses who would go on to become saints of legend, and martyrs, people who died for the truth of God and the truth of Jesus.

Jesus’ sacrifice is for all generations since, and all who repent of their sins and convert to good, so that they might have eternal life. It is a process to wrap one’s head around, but it’s absolutely worth it.

Merry Christmas to all, as at least all of Western Civilization (and a little country in the Middle-East) celebrates the birth of the Savior, the Priest and the King who would save the Human race, Jesus.