Data Point One — Near death experiences where someone died and somehow came back to life, provide testimonial proof that Heaven and hell are real, and the God of the Bible is real, and that Jesus truly is the Son of God. Over a thousand people across all cultures and religions, including Muslims and Hindis, have had near death experiences, and they report having met Jesus, and by and large they turn to becoming Christians if they weren't already. The rest of the world doesn't tend to hear about it because they don't follow or don't encounter such topics. Jesus spoke in John 8:32, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Absorb this, contemplate it, and adjust course!

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In previous posts it’s been explained that people have free will, and the thesis is that this planet is the only place in Creation where evil exists. This is because Earth’s purpose is for getting down to replacing fallen angels with Humans who have learned all about good and evil and rejected evil and corruption. It’s here that the problem of evil is getting solved. This should help to explain why there is so much bad in the world. Some…

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In the bigger picture, evil is at war with God, and evil is at war with Humanity. Over Human history it’s been the devil’s strategy to try to get in the way of God’s plans. In the ancient history described in the Old Testament, the devil and his fallen angels had gone into nations around Israel and set up ‘false gods’ and incorrect ways of living and incorrect ways of worship. They’ve sought to introduce errors or attack the truth….

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In Genesis, after the great flood there is Abram, a man who loved God, and he was an 11th generation descendant of Noah. God promised him the land that would later be called Israel. God visited with him and changed his name to Abraham. The prophet Abraham despite being senior in his years had a son, Issac. Issac grew up and had two sons, who though they were fraternal twins, were very different. Esau was born first. Then immediately after,…

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A six year old asked her family why God created Satan, if he if he knew that Satan would lead many souls to hell? The family didn’t really have a good answer. That night the Lord answered her, and here is what she recited that Jesus said: My people, I created the angels, man, and the universe, and everything that’s in it. I found everything was good of itself and gives greater glory to Me. The angels and man I…

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Browsing the Neanderthal entry on Wikipedia, we see a vast tome of detailed dates and assertions. Consider that the detail of a crafted lie lends credibility. What is anybody to think when told that in the face of all of this detail that humans didn’t evolve from apes which evolved from goo? Well, Data Point One points us to the truth that God created Earth, and people. The idea that this is not true is an opinion formed in ignorance…

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Archeologists dig for past human civilizations, and paleo-anthropologists dig for bones at locations all around the world. However they keep getting the theory of Neanderthals wrong, due to the reliance on the debunked Theory of Evolution. As we note in Data Point One, the God of the Bible is real, and so the Bible is real, and God’s statements of human history given to Moses in the book of Genesis, are accurate. They’re the God’s Honest Truth in fact. Therefore…

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