Part 2 Democracy We don’t live in a perfect democracy. In the USA we have what’s called a representative republic. Under our constitution we elect representatives to meet and debate and set and adjust public policy. What we have at the federal level, senators and representatives with the Senate and the House of Representatives, is basically duplicated at the state level for state governments, as well. For the presidential election the highest popular vote doesn’t always result in determining the…
Part 1 Bishop Robert Barron of Minnesota has a wealth of wisdom he has for years posted on his Word on Fire YouTube channel, as well as his personal channel. In one video four years ago leading up to the 2020 election, he touches on politics as it relates to the Christian voter. He said of the social values of Christianity, that it does not fit neatly into either of our political systems in the USA. Consider these positions traditionally…
In Christian tradition stemming from the fathers and doctors of the Catholic church, through studying of scriptures distinct virtues were discerned. Due to their basis in the Catholic church some various other Christian churches, through a bias, may not see the correctness in teaching virtues as their own study of correct behavior. Or in Catholic upbringing the individual virtues might not even be drilled down on. The virtues tend not to be emphasized in preaching, although maybe they should be….
Start praying before every meal, even if you just think it, even if you don’t close your eyes, to give God thanks for your food. As a child I was taught, “God is great. God is Good. Let us thank Him for our food. Amen.” As a child I also learned this prayer of thanks. Adapt it to whichever meal you are giving thanks for, and if you are alone or in a group. I thank you Heavenly Father for…
You will need to start praying to God. Jesus prayed to God the Father who we tend to address as our Heavenly Father in prayer, or God, or Lord, or Lord God. You should feel remorse for your past sins and ask God for forgiveness of all of your sins, and with commitment, He will forgive you. If you ask forgiveness for a sexual sin, adultery, and then a week later you commit adultery again, your forgiveness from the week…
Anyone should be able to change their attitudes and make adjustments to better orient themselves from a worldly way of thinking to that of a Christian. It’s not uncommon to have a myriad of corruptions that sully our character, and the goal would be to have no corruptions in the end. The sooner you can self-analyze and correct course, the better. We Americans have a tendency to be self-centered. Look at being more open and more giving. When you start…
If you’re new to the site, here you’ll find Christianity and reality examined in light of the truth that there is proof for God. Data Point One is really quite simple, and quite believable. If you go click on Data Point One and then at the bottom click Start From the Beginning, that will walk you through things that you’ve likely never been told, or yourself grasped, about reality. Following on from that, this post begins to walk you through…
Yes, God basically loves all Humans. God forms the Human soul in the mother’s womb, and that soul is made immortal, joined with a mortal body. He wants us to be saved out of the clutches of evil’s designs on seeing souls die and be cast into hell forever. Evil in its war against Good would want the truth criminalized if possible. Evil in its war against Humanity would want people to choose evil and corruption instead of Goodness and…
Earth is about 6,000 years old according to the Jewish calendar, and according to revelations by Jesus Christ. Humanity has never had a stupid caveman phase. We’ve always had a similar range of intelligence. It’s just that with education, generational progress, and iteration, our knowledge has grown exponentially. (That doesn’t discount that at some point some individuals hung out in caves and drew on the walls.) What about the light from stars taking inconceivable lightyears of time to reach us…
I feel that I got lucky with the following Bible, The New Catholic Answer Bible (2011). It is in understandable English. It also features sections that justify the Catholic Church’s teachings by pointing to scripture. It is a “New American Bible” [NAB] translation, and personally the translation of Genesis 1:8 speaks to the quality. It states God created the dome and called it “sky”. Various other translations don’t quite nail it in my opinion. The official Catholic church translation was…