Data Point One — Near death experiences where someone died and somehow came back to life, provide testimonial proof that Heaven and hell are real, and the God of the Bible is real, and that Jesus truly is the Son of God. Thousands of people across all cultures and religions, including Muslims and Hindis, have had near death experiences, and they report having met Jesus, and by and large they turn to becoming Christians if they weren't already. The rest of the world doesn't tend to hear about it because they don't follow or don't encounter such topics. Jesus spoke in John 8:32, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Absorb this, contemplate it, and adjust course!

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Literal Hell

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Data Point One leads us to the truth of not only Heaven, but hell also. Some might think, surely God the Father is so loving and good that he wouldn’t sentence people to hell? Well, disbelief in hell is another lie of the devil. Before the rebellion of the devil, justice probably didn’t exist in the realized form we understand today. However justice comes back to duty to God, and more abstractly goodness and the virtues, which are articulations of what God desires. Now we’ve got all kinds of consequences from our sins while we are even living. If we reject God’s mercy and forgiveness which He freely offers, then effectively the sinner at the end of their life judges themselves. The penalty is separation from God and anything good.

Various subjects who have had a near death experience describe almost going into hell, but some have come back to life in a miraculous way, pulled not just back from Heaven, but back from hell. They describe an overwhelming sense of everything negative emotionally: fear, anguish, hate, deep regret, and a sapping away of all sense of goodness in a stark absence of God. It’s a chilling and uncomfortable prospect to consider.

I have not encountered many accounts of hell. Linked below is an interview of a man named Cody who recounts in amazing detail his experience of dying and going to hell. Although it’s by my reckoning, authentic, honestly I couldn’t stick around and watch the video all the way straight through. He describes being ‘in spirit form’ where, like as in descriptions of Heaven, knowledge is instantly “downloaded” into your mind from another soul, about them, when nearby to them.

What he describes having witnessed is Lucifer in angelic form playing a role in the afterlife punishment of false prophet Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon church. He describes demons (in hell) ganging up on Joseph Smith for repeated punishment, and Joseph Smith’s disbelief in his present subjective existence with various evil simulations that he was experiencing.

Jesus saved this man Cody, (who was very, very lucky) at the time of his death. He had some goodness deep within that he didn’t really let shine forth, but Jesus basically judged him to have some material within that could be worked with, and redeemed. And redemption of our sinful ways is an ongoing process. Cody expressed various regrets of sin even after he had come back to life and been alright for a while. He confessed that from time to time in his life, he would ask Jesus to forgive him of his sins, a short and simple prayer. He happened to think to say this the instant he died of an overdose, while standing, before his body even hit the floor, and that sets the stage for the experience he recounts of miraculously getting a second chance. In the board game Monopoly, one of the various cards that one can draw is a “get out of jail free card”. And so here, he got to land on the “just visiting” part of the square!

This video below from the Almost False YouTube channel comes with a language warning, and some things are shockingly explicit, and obscene. The word obscene here should be taken in its literal form: “Offensive to standards of decency or morality. Disgusting or repulsive.” You are probably better off believing, but not actually listening to, the interview.

Source: Man Goes to Hell and Sees This Famous False Prophet, YouTube video, July 10, 2023

I don’t have a link for the next account which I had found on YouTube a while back. In an interview a big time “death metal” fan described being hospitalized during the 2020 pandemic. He described finding himself in hell and part of his punishment he described was vomiting and having a heart attack over and over and over. When he woke up from a coma in his hospital bed, he immediately asked the nurse, “Am I still in hell?” That sounds like an authentic experience where he came back to life.

In conclusion there are accounts that are entirely convincing that hell is real and to be avoided. Jesus is said to have described to somebody the gravity of choosing to not be good and to not be sorry for your sins and seek his forgiveness: He said If you had time to live all the lives of everyone that ever existed, it would not even scratch the surface of eternity.