Data Point One — Near death experiences where someone died and somehow came back to life, provide testimonial proof that Heaven and hell are real, and the God of the Bible is real, and that Jesus truly is the Son of God. Over a thousand people across all cultures and religions, including Muslims and Hindis, have had near death experiences, and they report having met Jesus, and by and large they turn to becoming Christians if they weren't already. The rest of the world doesn't tend to hear about it because they don't follow or don't encounter such topics. Jesus spoke in John 8:32, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Absorb this, contemplate it, and adjust course!

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Anyone should be able to change their attitudes and make adjustments to better orient themselves from a worldly way of thinking to that of a Christian. It’s not uncommon to have a myriad of corruptions that sully our character, and the goal would be to have no corruptions in the end. The sooner you can self-analyze and correct course, the better. We Americans have a tendency to be self-centered. Look at being more open and more giving. When you start…

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If you’re new to the site, here you’ll find Christianity and reality examined in light of the truth that there is proof for God. Data Point One is really quite simple, and quite believable. If you go click on Data Point One and then at the bottom click Start From the Beginning, that will walk you through things that you’ve likely never been told, or yourself grasped, about reality. Following on from that, this post begins to walk you through…

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What follows is something different for the site – an essay. mores pl (plural only)         A set of moral norms or customs derived from generally accepted practices rather than written laws.         July 1776: The USA was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs about morality and justice as a new republic, spun-off from the British empire. Today (2024) with an interest in inclusivity and impartiality, the USA welcomes people from all cultural backgrounds. “The great…

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Yes, God basically loves all Humans. God forms the Human soul in the mother’s womb, and that soul is made immortal, joined with a mortal body. He wants us to be saved out of the clutches of evil’s designs on seeing souls die and be cast into hell forever. Evil in its war against Good would want the truth criminalized if possible. Evil in its war against Humanity would want people to choose evil and corruption instead of Goodness and…

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Earth is about 6,000 years old according to the Jewish calendar, and according to revelations by Jesus Christ. Humanity has never had a stupid caveman phase. We’ve always had a similar range of intelligence. It’s just that with education, generational progress, and iteration, our knowledge has grown exponentially. (That doesn’t discount that at some point some individuals hung out in caves and drew on the walls.) What about the light from stars taking inconceivable lightyears of time to reach us…

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I feel that I got lucky with the following Bible, The New Catholic Answer Bible (2011). It is in understandable English. It also features sections that justify the Catholic Church’s teachings by pointing to scripture. It is a “New American Bible” [NAB] translation, and personally the translation of Genesis 1:8 speaks to the quality. It states God created the dome and called it “sky”. Various other translations don’t quite nail it in my opinion. The official Catholic church translation was…

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Not every religion or variation of Christianity is equal in the sight of God, who holds every truth. Generally, the closest church to your home is the right church, with the exceptions noted in the previous post. Don’t go to a church like “Jehovah’s Witnesses” and “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: The Mormons”. If you were raised Catholic or are a former or fallen away Catholic, you should return to a Catholic church and arrange a…

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Data Point One points us back to the truth of Jesus, in that He is the Son of God as the Bible says He is. In the Hebrew language of Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.”, the word for God is plural. So in the Trinitarian theology, what the fathers of the Church have established through scripture and reasoning is that the three persons of God, three in one, always existed and were present…

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Data Point One leads us to the truth of not only Heaven, but hell also. Some might think, surely God the Father is so loving and good that he wouldn’t sentence people to hell? Well, disbelief in hell is another lie of the devil. Before the rebellion of the devil, justice probably didn’t exist in the realized form we understand today. However justice comes back to duty to God, and more abstractly goodness and the virtues, which are articulations of…

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If you’ve read every blog post here up to this point, I’ve covered numerous ploys where evil tries to attack the truth: alleging that God isn’t real, or that there can be no proof, or that people weren’t created by God, or false evidence or premises that the Bible can’t be trusted for x and y reason. So another attack on the truth is doubt in Heaven. How can Heaven be true? Surely Heaven is too good to be true….

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