Data Point One shows us that Christianity is the truth, and testimonial evidence backs up God’s truth. Regardless of any debate as to whether December 25th is or isn’t the birthday of Jesus Christ, that is the day we celebrate it. With the Hebrew calendar being lunar based on 360 days (not counting the exceptional leap month) compared to our solar calendar of 365 days, it’s not trivial to line things up. Christmas on December 25th is what we have…
God’s plan for sending His Son Jesus, to be born of the Virgin Mary would seem to date back to the beginning of time. Many a theologian would draw parallels between Eve, the first woman, and Saint Mary who, it is held, chose to obey God at every point. She is regarded as the New Eve, an exemplar of virtue. From Genesis 3:15 – God, speaking to Eve and the serpent who encouraged her to eat of the fruit of…
Creationism is a word ascribing the belief that the God of the Bible created the Earth, the universe, and all nature. Looking at Data Point One we see that Christian faith is fact. It is the truth. It is reality attested to by over a thousand people who have had a near death experience and came back alive, being given a second chance. In Pastor John Burke’s book Imagine Heaven, he’s interviewed almost 1500 people of all faiths, all around…
Part 3 Secular Attitudes With the truth of Data Point One and the understanding that Christianity is not belief and not opinion, but actuality and truth, it makes sense to convert to becoming a born again Christian. This follows God’s will that we as individuals learn the truth and choose to become a proper servant — the alternative being that we remain in mortal sin and go to hell when we die, Heaven forbid. So in light of this we…
Part 2 Democracy We don’t live in a perfect democracy. In the USA we have what’s called a representative republic. Under our constitution we elect representatives to meet and debate and set and adjust public policy. What we have at the federal level, senators and representatives with the Senate and the House of Representatives, is basically duplicated at the state level for state governments, as well. For the presidential election the highest popular vote doesn’t always result in determining the…
What follows is something different for the site – an essay. mores pl (plural only) A set of moral norms or customs derived from generally accepted practices rather than written laws. July 1776: The USA was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs about morality and justice as a new republic, spun-off from the British empire. Today (2024) with an interest in inclusivity and impartiality, the USA welcomes people from all cultural backgrounds. “The great…
Earth is about 6,000 years old according to the Jewish calendar, and according to revelations by Jesus Christ. Humanity has never had a stupid caveman phase. We’ve always had a similar range of intelligence. It’s just that with education, generational progress, and iteration, our knowledge has grown exponentially. (That doesn’t discount that at some point some individuals hung out in caves and drew on the walls.) What about the light from stars taking inconceivable lightyears of time to reach us…
Data Point One points us back to the truth of Jesus, in that He is the Son of God as the Bible says He is. In the Hebrew language of Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.”, the word for God is plural. So in the Trinitarian theology, what the fathers of the Church have established through scripture and reasoning is that the three persons of God, three in one, always existed and were present…
In the bigger picture, evil is at war with God, and evil is at war with Humanity. Over Human history it’s been the devil’s strategy to try to get in the way of God’s plans. In the ancient history described in the Old Testament, the devil and his fallen angels had gone into nations around Israel and set up ‘false gods’ and incorrect ways of living and incorrect ways of worship. They’ve sought to introduce errors or attack the truth….
In Genesis, after the great flood there is Abram, a man who loved God, and he was an 11th generation descendant of Noah. God promised him the land that would later be called Israel. God visited with him and changed his name to Abraham. The prophet Abraham despite being senior in his years had a son, Issac. Issac grew up and had two sons, who though they were fraternal twins, were very different. Esau was born first. Then immediately after,…